Thursday, June 23, 2011

Enjoying expectation

Hopefully you guys aren't too frustrated by my failure to post a new chapter, or even give an update on here. No, I probably haven't replied to your incredibly thoughtful e-mail. Summer is busy; fall will be busy; life's just fucking busy and sometimes it's hard to write a massive story for the internet when there's so much other shit to do.

I was thinking about this today and feeling slightly guilty. But there's a time when this will end, and then I'll look back on this experience fondly, and wonder why I was in such a hurry to finish it.


  1. Lol, I hope the ravenous crowd hasn't been too bad.

  2. No, no -- no ravenous crowd or badness. I just feel lucky that people are interested in what I'm trying to do, so it seems fair to give an update from time to time.

  3. "...and wonder why I was in such a hurry to finish it."
    You're going to finish?! Nooo! This story must go on forever! :-)

  4. I think we all understand busy. As long as you don't abandon the story (or us), I know I'll keep reading.

  5. Yes please don't end this story. And reply to my email.


    Creepy fan

  6. Awww. About 98% of the people who e-mail seem so nice, and come across as very supportive and even somewhat grateful. Not creepy! The creepy ones are few and far between, and I'll spare the detais.

  7. Yeah, I wondered why you haven't posted another chapter. But I have to say it's a great story and will keep on following til it ends.

  8. I am reading through the story for the second time, and discovering stuff that I missed before. All that sifting through Nifty, authors like you make it worth it!

  9. How is the story going? Any official updates? ;)

  10. Two people - consider this clamoring! :-)

  11. Thanks guys. This summer has just been busy and has flown by. If it helps, I have parts of eight different chapters written. I just haven't gotten to where I love the next one. Very glad to hear that you're looking forward to it and sorry to leave people dangling.

  12. Three perhaps makes a mob... :-)

    Keep up the good work.

  13. I just finished reading through a second time like anonymous above and still keep checking back for more. I am glad to know you are working on a few chapters still to come. Keep up the good work!

  14. Oh JPM wherfore art thou?

  15. Forsooth, I hath been engaged in travels and partying to excess. I thank thee for thine continued patience and remain grateful for thine interest. Anon, the writing shall commence.

  16. Your words hath restored the health of my countenance somewhat. I thank thee.

  17. Thy words create within my persons gratuitous measures of fucking excitement.

  18. Ha! You're not dead, which is cool. Nice to know you still care about writing this. Hope you won't write it in old English, though.
    And are you going to finish it? Okay. But you have to start a new then. Something tells me you'll be good at Horror genre too.
    Anyway, Good Luck!

  19. Yeah, this will eventually end. I know how much I like the final few chapters. It's a matter of getting from here to there.

  20. Your work is absolutely splendid. I hate how picky I have become now because I know what quality writing finally is. Do you, or anyone else, have recommendations for reading while am waiting for the next few chapters?

  21. Aw, thanks man. I love a lot of books, but I don't know any that have themes similar to what I'm doing. I mentioned Brideshead Revisited before; a lot of people love a book called At Swim, Two Boys, but it didn't click for me; The Line of Beauty is pretty great.

    Anyone else have suggestions?

  22. There are a couple of online stories I would recommended. All of Matthew Haldeman-Time's stuff is great. ( Chistopher Lydon's William Carter Saga is ->amazing.<- ( The Human Condition by jfinn is a very similar situation to Joe College. ( DomLuka's Desert Droppings on is pretty fun. The Gay Authors site is general has pretty decent stuff. The site is also a good place to read more. I hope this helps! :-)

  23. JPM7700, you know I love ya. But this is wreaking havoc on my instant gratification issues! (Some of my therapists said I should probably let you know.) ;-D

  24. Take your time... there are some stories that update only after 2 years or not at all.

    You're doing this for free and under no obligations, so no pressure. As lessthan mentioned, there are dozens of other authors writing stuff.

  25. I know its dated but i got a similar thrill out of reading Christopher and his kind by Christopher Isherwood, as out of Joe
