Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chapter 19 is posted.

You can read it here.

I had a blast writing this one.


  1. Whoa! That was fast! Not that I'm not thankful. Now, off to read...

  2. This was another excellent chapter. You have a talent for allowing us into Joe's head and it is exhilarating, enlightening and sometimes sad. The relationship with Chris is just great. Please keep writing and thank you for sharing.

  3. I can't even begin to express how much I love this story. The scene at the playground just felt excruciatingly beautiful and bittersweet to me.
    Please never stop writing!

  4. That was an excellent chapter. It reminded me of "Nothing Gold Can Stay." Definitely one of the best chapters so far. Thanks for putting it out there.

  5. I don't think you were at Cal in the early 1980s, but you have truly captured the experience.

  6. Ahhhh! I love your chapters, but they're a study in frustration! It's like, I read it, and I'm all happy, then I go back and re-read it and I'm happier... But, then, I'm all, "Wait... But... Why..."

    I have to admit - at this point, I just want them to get down and dirty! Well, dirtier! LOL. They keep dancing around it, and it's killing me. Well, it's one of the many things!

    Thanks for the new chapter and I can't wait to read the next one!

    PS. I love your characters. They seem so real. Always.

  7. Everything that Leo posted: "I can't even begin to express how much I love this story. The scene at the playground just felt excruciatingly beautiful and bittersweet to me. Please never stop writing!" I think maybe the blast you had writing this chapter is because you were happy, poignantly so. Many thanks.

  8. So awesome, but this chapter kind of made me feel sad. It's like the nostalgia joe has for that summer is the nostalgia he has for chris because it's over. And I don't want it to end yet! I'd really like to know what's going on in Chris's head at this point because I'm just not sure what he's thinking.

    You have such an ability to keep your readers wanting more. I love your writing! Thanks so much.

  9. Okay, Chris reminds me of someone, my ex-best friend actually. He also afraid of labels and knowing who he is. Once he's so into me and next time he's like "I'm not gay, you know that right?". I didn't answer, never will either. It's up to him.
    Anyway, with time we are away from each other now. So this chapter has nostalgia all over it, witch make me sad and also happy at the same time.

    PS: Love your story man (and characters), keep writing!

  10. Thanks so much for your awesome comments, guys. And yeah, there was obviously a lot of nostalgia in writing the chapter. I probably could have spun out 100,000 words of these scenes.

  11. Hey JPM,

    How's it going? Hope the writing's flowing and we get a great new chapter soon!

  12. Oh, man. I've barely started Chapter 20, am not totally clear with what I'm going to do with it, and probably won't have time to buckle down until a week or two after Memorial Day. The project has been floating around somewhere in the back recesses of my mind since 19 posted.

    So, uh, what do you guys want to conversate about in the interim?

  13. Hey man,

    Yet another great chapter. I won't be the first one to have said so, but if your story ever gets published in some shape or another, I'll be putting my name down on the waiting list right away. I loved this chapter, and I think you worked the transition of Matt's departure quite well. His absence wasn't felt as much as it was noticed. It sort of registered with me that he was gone, but I have a feeling he got out when he should have. Can't wait for the next chapters, it's always such a pleasure to read you!

  14. Hi there. I don't really know how to express all the feelings I get over this story, it just rings true. There's something special, each time I feel a craving to meet these guys, to listen to Wilco. And to re read The Great Gatsby, read Dante's Inferno, watch Animal House, debate over my favourite Rolling Stones' song, study in America... Thanks and please, keep writing !

  15. OOOOh, the pain! So long without an update, I'm pretty sure I'm getting hives or something... :)

    How you doing? It's been quiet here!


  16. Thanks again for your comments, guys. I haven't been writing at all since the last chapter posted. Life has been busy, in a good way. From my perspective, this isn't the worst thing, because when I get back to the story, it feels fresh again. Also kind of like getting together with people who've been away for awhile. I hope to hit the new chapter soon.

  17. Ahhh ... looks like we might still have a while to wait. In the meantime, I just realised the other day who I visualised Chris Riis as. I was watching something on tv and this Australian actor came on who I haven't seen in a while and I thought: OMG there's Chris! Anyway, for your amusement, here he is:



    Darn. Try this.

