Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The weirdness of writing

It's been a couple of months since the last chapter, so I thought that it was time to update. Originally I thought that Chapter 18 was going to write itself, because I knew exactly what was going to happen. It would be a matter of carving out time to write. That was it.

Number one, the holidays intervened, and January has been socially eventful, so I haven't had much time.

Second, and more importantly, by posting as I go, I don't leave myself room for error. Once I post a section, I'm stuck with it. If someone acts out of character, or a moment doesn't live up to my expectations, I can't go back and fix it. There are continuity issues. I was writing at a good clip, and then when I re-read the chapter halfway drafted, it just wasn't working. When I re-read it this past weekend, I liked it. How do I know when something is done? Instinct, I guess. Deciding is hard.

Third, even though this is an anonymous story and I don't get any kid of compensation or ego gratification from it, I like the puzzle and the challenge of building it. I think I'm in love with my characters. There are times (not often) when I dream about them. It's enough that I don't want to force a scene just to finish a chapter. Sometimes, I need to let these guys have breathing room, and let their actions sink in.

The next month is going to be busy for me. I know the story that I want to tell in Chapter 18, but I'm not totally sure of how to tell it. I'll figure it out, but it takes time.

When will it come out? It could be 96 hours. It could be March; that's probably a better estimate, but I can't predict. I almost never know.

The comments and e-mails occasionally remind me to buckle down, but I'm learning to write as I do this, and one thing I'm learning is that I can't rush the finished product. Meanwhile, thanks for your patience. I know that I have readers, and I don't take that for granted.


  1. Well, whatever the hell it is you're doing, it's working. Keep up the good work, however long it takes.

  2. I think I'm in love with your characters too.
    And I second everything the first anonymous said. Love your work and thank you.

  3. Hey, thanks for keeping in touch - it actually means a lot to some of us readers to feel respected enough by the author that he doesn't disappear for months on end.

  4. Thanks. I do my best and launched the blog partly so I could give updates like this.

  5. I agree with and want to echo all the other comments. I have become addicted to your writing and feel connected with your characters.

  6. Don't rush it, man. Quality writing in stories like this is a rare find; wham-bam-thank-you...sir stories are a dime a dozen. The wait is worth it when the product is this good.

    How many stories on Nifty are going to have paragraphs like this:
    "I think we all overestimate how much other people are just like us. There's nothing wrong with that. It's an empathy thing. We see pieces of ourselves reflected in other people, so we overassume. We conclude that we all share the same basic drives and insecurities, with certain adjustments on the margins. I mean, it's probably *good* that we do this as a general practice. Otherwise it would be world of object-strangers and blank slates."

    I've really gotten into this story because of how personal the characters are, especially Joe. That kind of introspective philosophizing makes your guys so much more real, and so far as that goes, it makes the story's erotic parts that much better. So yeah- don't get in a hurry.

  7. I have to say that I really appreciate getting this update on your progress. Looking forward to the next installment!

  8. Thanks again for your story...the beaut thing about it is I love going back over the Chapters and always find something I haven't realised before...take your time and post Chapter 18 when you're ready.

  9. Unlike your other fans, I need you to hurry with another Chapter!! Lol!! But do take your time and continue the quality writing that you have given us! I love to read and Nifty became a place where I could read just plain nonsense for quick entertainment. You have changed that for me!! I don't know how I am going to be able to read these other stories when you have set a high bar!! Can't wait to see what happens next!! P.S. How about humoring us and casting these characters with images on how you would image them on here? I have my own ideas, but always interested to see what the creator sees!!

  10. Interesting idea, K! I'm not sure how I'd be able to find pictures that match my guys the way that I picture them. I also try not to say too much about what I think of my characters, because I like leaving it up to all of you to come up with your own interpretations. Who would you cast?

    I think my image of them constantly shifts a little. Once in awhile I'll be walking around and glance at a stranger and think something like, "Huh, that's kind of how I picture Matt." The way their voices sound, I can imagine exactly.

  11. Can't wait for the next chapter! I'm really excited to read it.

  12. I'm trying! Hopefully it'll show why it took so long. That doesn't necessarily mean that it'll be awesome...

  13. Any updates on when you think the chapter will be done? I'm really looking forward to it but take the time you need. Plus, I'm sure it'll be awesome, every chapter so far has been absolutely amazing!

  14. I still don't know! There isn't anything tricky about the style or structure, but it covers a bigger chunk of time than most of the chapters and is somewhat plot-heavy. My biggest problem since Christmas has been finding the time. Maybe another month? That's what I always say.

  15. I had a problem at work the other day...suffering a tirade of abuse from an irate woman. A friend heard the whole episode and was apologising for the behaviour. I suddenly heard myself say..."don't worry I've heard worse from better" and I thought where was that from then I remembered JC chapter 10.

  16. You know what? I was just re-reading the last chapter of Joe College, and I was like I should check his blog... Maybe just maybe there's a surprise there waiting for me. Well, long story short, there isn't much of a surprise, but apparently I'm not the only one commenting a month after the post, almost begging for a new chapter. So, along that vein, I'd love to add my voice to the many: Please, oh please won't you give us another chapter?


  17. In the event that anyone is reading these comments: only one-and-a-half scenes left before I finish a draft of the chapter. It's longer than Chapter 16 (so basically, another novella), covers all of second semester sophomore year, and, oddly, has a lot to say about poetry. If I don't hate the whole thing when I re-read, it should be posted early next week. Wish me luck?

  18. JPM, that news just made my month.
    GOOD LUCK!! :)

  19. I'm highly excited by the news and wish you luck. However, given your propensity for perfection (not a bad thing, mind) I'm remaining cautiously optimistic. :-)

  20. I'm wishing you luck... and also holding my breath, so hurry it up, man! :)

  21. All right, team. The new chapter is mailed in. Double-spaced on Word, it's 94 pages. I'll do a new post when Nifty confirms that it's published.

  22. Absolutely cannot wait to read it.

  23. I may well read the whole series again before I get stuck in to the next chapter!

    Your story is one of my favourite pieces of literature I have ever read. And I read a lot! It has made me think a great deal about my own university days and how my experiences there moulded me into the person I am today. I see a lot of my awkward-but-outwardly-confident-self in Joe. I think a lot of people can and perhaps that is why this is such a popular story.

    It's rare for a character in a story of this kind to develop as time goes on. This is what happens in real life, especially to college age kids, and I thank you for making me think hard about my own journey.

  24. Excellent! Thank you!

  25. Did I just read correctly that you're "learning to write as [you] do this?" Are you saying this is the first time you've written anything, or the first time you've written a work of long fiction as complicated as this? In either case, you're even more of a phenomenon than I gave you credit for in my comment to the blogpost for chapter 16.

    Two other takeaways from this posting. (1) I have not a single scintilla of doubt that I'm in love with your characters. And, (2) while I'm sure you're not getting "any kind of compensation," I hope you are getting at least a modicum of "ego gratification" from your work on *Joe College.*
