Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chapter 25 is posted (updated with DVD extra)

You can read it here.

Updated, 9/22:  I'm starting to sketch out a little of the next chapter.  Moving on from the last one is hard.  Click through for a deleted scene and some director's commentary.

When I organized this chapter, I'd planned to include a cousin who was a couple of years younger than Chris.  He would have antagonized Chris and eventually get high with Chris and Joe.  Joe thought he was hilarious and crushed on him slightly.  The cousin would have reappeared at a much, much later point in this story -- maybe he still will, who knows.

I had to eliminate him because I'd already thrown in so many people and dynamics.  He basically would have been comic relief.  Plus, I wanted Chris and Joe to focus on each other.  The cousin would have been a distraction.  He wouldn't work.

That said, I still liked how I introduced him, and there's some version of this world where Chris and Charlie have been bickering since elementary school.  I thought I'd post the passage I wrote about him, because I still like it, and otherwise it would live unseen forever somewhere on my hard drive.

Charlie and his family arrived while the old men were out golfing.  Charlie was the son of a much older first cousin to Chris; Charlie was nineteen and about to start sophomore year of college at some school I’ve never heard of -- something like Northern Great Lakes State, Peninsula State.  He was hot, and as soon as he spoke, I heard a clearly stupid person without a care in the world.

“Aunt Barb!” he said, his Michigan-Midwesty accent a higher tin than Chris or his family.  “Check out my tattoo!”

He lifted the sleeve of his T-shirt to show an inner tricep and strands of golden pit-hair, revealing a tattoo of Asian characters.

“Charlie!” Barbara said.  “What did you do to yourself?”

“It says peaceful prince,” Charlie said.

“Peaceful prince?”  Chris said, pinched with contempt and impatience.  “You’re not a prince, idiot.  You’re definitely not peaceful.”

“Says you,” said Charlie.

“Definitely says me.”

“Chris,” said Barbara.

“That is without a doubt the dumbest tattoo I’ve ever seen or heard about,” Chris said.  “These people with Chinese tattoos, it’s ridiculous anyway, but ‘peaceful prince?’”

“Ha!”  Charlie said.  “Shows what you know!  It’s Japanese, not Chinese!”

“You don’t even know,” Chris said.  “It probably reads, ‘Smells like penis breath.’”


“Well you would know,” said Charlie.

“That’s a great comeback,” said Chris.

“Hey,” I said, putting out my hand, “I’m Joe.  Chris and I are housemates at school.”

“Great to meet you!” said Charlie, putting out his hand, my eyes stuck on his controversial tattoo and inner arm.  “I want to stay in the lakehouse with you guys,” he said to Chris.

“Okay, well, we should wait and see,” Chris said.  “Remember the last time we tried that?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why you reacted that way.  Anyway, we’re older now.  More mature.”

“One of us is,” Chris said.

Charlie looked like a narrower, tighter Chris -- about 5’10 with slimmer hips and shoulders; longer face; longer, sharper nose; a more pronounced forehead and browline.  Chris’s eyes were a deeper shade than Charlie’s.  But you could put them side-by-side and recognize them as cousins, possibly even mistake Charlie as Chris’s younger brother.

He grew up in a small town a couple hours away (“middle of the woods”) where his dad -- Glen’s first cousin -- was a dentist.  

“Charlie’s just a dope,” Chris said.  “A buffoon with A-D-D.  He annoyed me when we were little and he annoys me now.”

“He seems high energy,” I said.

“That’s just the adderall,” he said.  “He’s just stupid.  He almost lit a bottlerocket in my face when he was in seventh grade.  It was a total accident, but still.”

Barking, Handsome chased Charlie, who ran over the lawn in long tie-dyed board shorts.  He did a cannonball from the end of the dock.

“Let’s go swimming!” he shouted when he popped up, dripping.


  1. Fuck. That was everything I wanted, and everything I dreaded; and now I'm laying here covered in cum, close to fucking tears even though nothing fucking happened that really justifies it. You're just *too* fucking good dude.

    1. "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cum!" -ideal book blur

  2. I'm going to go for a run and then cry softly in the shower.

  3. You surpassed my expectations. And I laughed, smiled, cried, while reading this - sometimes all at the same time. You've nailed it and then some. And then you sent the chapter off with a kiss. Just so vivid. I don't know how you manage to do it - I am so happy and so keyed-up at the same time because of this story, and the sense of nostalgia is nearly overwhelming. You've captured so much that I'm going to have to reread this half a dozen times just to make sure that I've absorbed it all.

    1. Thanks. I worried that I put so much in, people would get bored.

    2. No chance of that ever!

  4. Wow, JPM, just wow. I seriously hope you already are a published author or that you are on your way to publication. You have talent. Thanks for writing a killer chapter.

    1. I mostly feel gun-shy when people write me things like that, but there were points in this one where I stopped and thought, "Shit, I'm really doing something here."

    2. You're definitely "doing something here." I read something like 30-40 books a year, and try to pepper in gay-themed books as often as possible (they often hit closer to home when they are done well). I'd say of the 50 or so gay-themed books I've read, only one ("Call Me By Your Name" - if you haven't read it, seriously, go pick it up) has been as emotionally impactful as this story, and it's not even over! There is a serious hole in the landscape of gay fiction for college-aged/late 20's/early 30's crowd. Everything seems to revolve around teenagers coming out, 40yo's finding love, or HIV. Not that all of those don't have a place, but there's been something missing, and I think this is it.

      FYI: If there isn't some tense change in the near future, whereby the narration catches up to the present and Joe rekindles his love with Chris, I'm going to be devastated and probably curse you for years to come, and possible change over my bank accounts, because looking at my monthly statements will be too hard knowing the initials that come directly before Chase.

    3. Check out "Very Recent History" by Choire Sicha. It was published about a month ago. His tone and ideas are different from mine, but it's a pretty spot-on, non-cliche account of gay twentysomething NYC.

      I'm not even going to hint at how this all ends.

    4. Thanks for the tip! Didn't realize he just released a novel. Just ordered it on Amazon. I'm Awl over this (sorry, had to).

    5. The Sicha book is non-fiction that reads like a novel. It's pretty interesting. I'm not sure that it's totally successful -- maybe about 80% successful -- but I still enjoyed it.

  5. So much! I need to re-read. I love this nostalgia and the sadness and, well, everything. Reading this, I want to be a Riis too. Hey JPM I don't get this reference about about being 'heteronormative as any Manning'. Who are the Mannings?

    It's so awesome. I wish you success. Thank you.

    1. Ha, I meant Eli or Peyton Manning. But maybe it might be construed as Bradley/Chelsea...

    2. Ha! Yeah, Chelsea did sprang to mind I have to say (she's more famous in Australia than Eli and Peyton, evidently.

  6. Ok, so its 3am in London and I'm seriously considering staying up for another couple of hours to re-read this. Seriously JPM, you have such an awesome way with words - I can't remember the last time I felt this way after reading fiction.

    Thanks, mate. You're a legend.

    1. I hope you went to sleep! It'll still be there when you're up.

      Thanks so much.

  7. the idea of reading this whole chapter again is daunting, and I'm fairly sure I'll do it at least twice in the coming week or two.

    your writing has enough detail that I think everything you want me get from it I've internalized, but it still takes a while to process. cause the sheer size of this friggin thing!

    previous chapters have to some extent, as well, but this chapter touches on some things that I struggle with now, and reading through it was almost shocking at times.

    I don't know what else to say, and I have so much to say. again, need time to process. so for now I can only say thank you

    thank you thank you

    godddddd, man. maaaaaaaan



    1. Hahaha, thanks!

      I was worried that I'd lose people with this one because of the long descriptions about trees and lakes and because I dropped in a boatload of characters, including children and the elderly. I loved writing this chapter and it's one I've been thinking about for a couple of years. I'm so happy that it connected.

    2. Actually, the fact that you have a lot of well-developed secondary characters in this story is one of the things I really like about it. A lot of free, online fiction lack believable and nuanced secondary characters - or they simply lack secondary characters altogether.

      Having said that, the abundance of characters in this story combined with the length of it and the up date frequency (seriously, I'm not complaining about that: I have no problem waiting for your chapters)mean that I sometimes find it difficult to remember who exactly a certain character is(but this may just be a side effect of getting old).

      And your vivid descriptions of the scenery is one of the things that made this chapter so bloody good.

  8. hey JPM, this is your anonymous crazy buddy who commented a few days ago...

    August 2004! Ask and ye shall receive? Thanks!

    Far and away my favorite of the non-college chapters, maybe the most impressive as a stand-alone work out of all twenty-five. Not sure where to start, really, so I'll just keep it short: You sweet bastard -- Joe made it HOME!! Home with the people and community he loves. Merry Christmas Bedford Falls, indeed.

    You still owe me some titties, though.

    1. I expect that the rest of the story will probably be 55378008 upside-down on a calculator.

  9. ''Some things, it's better that they just live in your memory.''

  10. I've been following this story ever since I ran across it. JPM, you have some serious talent here. Your comments above for the guy to put it down because it will be there in the morning, while true, are glossing over the fact that you have a compelling voice. I couldn't stop reading it either - I felt like I was living the scenes alongside Joe and Chris, so appropriately lush were the descriptions - just so beautiful. Very few authors have the ability to paint pictures inside my head - but you've done it -- hell, you've painted feelings inside my heart and soul. That sir, is a truly rare ability.

  11. Superb chapter as per usual. Thanks for writing JPM! If you don't already write for a living, you should consider publishing. I would shell out money for anything you write.

  12. I swear I might actually cry if Joe and Chris don't live happily ever after together. I don't think i have ever gotten this emotionally involved in a chapter. This is an absolutely beautiful story please keep it coming. You should be a published author man.

  13. "I once swam in Lake Michigan." Et in Arcadia ego.

  14. Thanks again for all of your nice comments and e-mails, guys. This was the most nervous I'd been about a chapter. Very gratified by the response.

  15. I have never been so emotionally invested in a story, especially not one that I found years ago while hunting for something to jerk off to. In fact, I was 17 when I first started reading these and now I'm 22 and past uni, and every step of the way has underlined that damned nostalgia Joe's got for college, but then this family-heavy chapter really hit home, too, as I never really had anything along those lines either.

    Brilliant stuff. Long may it continue, and while I'd love Chris and Joe to stay together forever I think if anyone could make that not happen satisfactorily, it's probably you.

    1. When people ask me why I publish this on Nifty, it's partly because I fucking love the idea of a 17 year old (or a 50 year old) stumbling across this while looking for jerk-off material and getting drawn in.

    2. Take it from this (near) 50 year old -- it's working, and working quite well.

    3. Was listening to music and Wilco's album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot came on, reminding me of this story. Just another example of how it's stuck with me (I found out about Wilco through that chapter).

  16. Totally awesome, but I agree - if Joe doesn't end up as a Riis I will be very sad.


  17. What!? Where did you come from, JPM?! A couple days ago I randomly opened a story on Nifty and was immediately hooked and then spent most of the day yesterday catching up through chapter 25. JPM, you are a fabulous writer! I can't remember the last time I've been so hooked on a story and its characters. Joe and Chris are so entirely believable. I can't wait to read what happens next. Thank-you!

  18. I couldn't put it down when I read it yesterday. As a New Yorker, I absolutely loved the opener (and the teaser you posted a couple of weeks ago). I have walked by each of the bars you have alluded to. You have a rare gift for language, particularly dialogue and off-the-cuff observation. I thought that some of the sparkling dialogue and the acuity of Joe's observations that had so dazzled in the beginning installments had flagged a bit in the last few chapters so I was delighted by this chapter. And the Michigan portion was pure brilliance. It was so moving without being maudlin or sappy that I just had to keep reading even though I ended being late to meet some friends.

    Another 50 year old who found your material looking for something to jerk off to and got hooked, although I didn't end up covered in cum since I had to go.

    I sometimes think that Joe's college is patterned on Michigan, but maybe that is because I was a grad student there.

    Anyway, it was well worth the wait, though I hope you don't torture for the next installment.

  19. Wow, another great installment. Thank you. Like many others, I too stumbled across this story while trolling the interwebs for jerk-off material. Just as I was beginning to think that all gay-themed fiction was stereotypical, kitschy, and terribly written, I found this. You have a knack for genuinely capturing the college experience, and your richness of detail makes the story immediate and relatable. Even if readers had college experiences much different than Joe's, the way you describe the nostalgia looking back and the uncertainty and confused optimism in the present makes this story speak to everyone who reads it. I know you don't write for fame, fortune, or named recognition, but know that your work is appreciated and important. Congratulations on a great achievement, and thanks again.

  20. Wow. You really nailed this chapter. Definitely the best writing so far. I loved the complexity of the emotions throughout the chapter. Most of those feelings weren't spelled out, but were still clear as day, out there, no hiding them. But I was glad to see Joe and Chris actually talk, reveal a part of themselves to the other, not just brush the surface. And the part where Joe realizes Barbara knows felt so f*ing real, I could feel what Joe must have felt, panic and shock and exhilaration that this thing was out and he felt somewhat freed after that and his letting go made Chris let go too (at least for a while), stop caring what others thought.
    Really, superb storytelling. Keep up the good job :)

  21. Dude, as much as I agree with you that another character might not have worked in that chapter... fuck, a hot 19 year old! I kind of hope he makes an appearance later on ;)

  22. Soooo... any update on the next chapter?!? I'm pleading with my eyes here, but I don't think there's an emoticon to express that, so I'm just stating the facts.

    1. I wish that watching football and playing side-missions in GTA V counted as writing.

      (I have not been writing at all.)

    2. Ugh... does that mean we have to wait till February? Here's to hoping you're not much into college basketball. Can't wait till after March Madness :(

    3. You're forgetting the Sochi Olympics (I made the bobsled team!), and after March Madness, it's the Stanley Cup playoffs and opening day.

      At least I don't watch golf.

      (C'mon, the last chapter was as long as a short novel, a couple months to clear my head is reasonable and necessary.)

    4. I thought we were boycotting that? Along with Barilla, Stoli, and Chick-Fil-A. And unless the Minnesota Wild (Zach Parise *swoon*) gets to the Stanley Cup, what's the point really? But point taken. You get to have a life... if for no other reason than it may make for a better epilogue :)

    5. you made the bobsled team? congratulations are in order

  23. Holy shit. I've just finished reading all the chapters to date and omg. I've read a lot of stories on nifty and I think that yours is by far one of the best I've read. The content is just so 'real', powerful and emotional and unlike many of the other stories which seem a little formulaic. Your writing style is original and different and I love it. You have a really great way with words. I will wait with baited breath for your next chapter! I just really wanted to show my appreciation, and to let you know that this story has really touched me.
    Ryan from Australia

  24. All I want for Christmas is... #26. But in any case, I hope you're doing well, JPM!

  25. Happy New Year! Can your resolution to be to finish Joe College? You'd make a lot of people very happy :)

    1. Thinking about a schedule where I post a new chapter early each month. They'd be shorter than what I've been posting, and maybe wouldn't be as polished, but it'd force me on a schedule and give you guys some consistency. We'll see whether this idea sticks. It might not!

    2. Nice! Think of it as a New Year's resolution. And hey, if it doesn't stick it just means you're like the other 99% of America :P

      But don't just push yourself and ruin the integrity of a product you've been working so hard on. The quality of the writing is outstanding, and that's part of what we love about it.
