Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter 18 is posted.

You can read it here.

I'll come back in a week or two with a little post-game analysis about writing it.

Note: The comments to this post have spoilers -- not quite in the way that "Lost" was vulnerable to spoilers, but they'll give away what happens. Proceed at your own risk.


  1. I kept refreshing your blog to see if you'd posted this yet. When you did, I sat through and read this in one sitting, and I gotta say, this chapter was probably my favorite so far.
    Thank you so much! I shall patiently wait for more :)

  2. Easily - easily - my favourite chapter so far. Had a bit of everything. The ending took my breath away. "It might be that we're constantly brushing up against amazing people, but miss them because we don't pay attention." - this was especially profound. I also loved, "It's rare that a person gives us an expression of either genuine closure or of love. Matt, that bastard, gave me both at once."

    While I know you throw your ending styles around a bit, switching between abrupt and neatly tied-up, I really loved the rounded-out closing-of-a-chapter ending you gave this part (complete with a graduation ceremony!).

    And as I said - it had a little bit of everything. I feel personally connected to all of Joe's intellectual ambitions (this time with the newspaper and the mentor's sheer force of personality) as well as his search for relationships and friendships.

    Like every other chapter, you made me laugh out loud several times (and cringe in shared awkwardness at the beginning when he was plucking up courage in the library). My favourite line from the entire part - "We have laundry."

    I'm not sure if you'd remember, but I've been a fan of your writing for a long time now (4/5 years?), and your writing has just gotten better and better. This was your best. Bravo.

  3. The chapter is so totally worth the wait! And another wait is coming... totally psyched to read about your post-game analysis.

    I had finally figured out why Joe seemed to tangible to me. When he left the rally while Matt was speaking, it dawned on me that I would probably do the same, except I rarely let someone get close enough so that it would hurt them like the way Matt was hurting. Not proud of it, as it was probably one of my worst traits, but Joe felt like family that moment.

  4. *yay* thank you, it was worth the wait. I liked the comments on Inferno, was quite nice to have and really fitted well in the story itself. I'm a maths student but I still found I could appreciate it and thought it was well suited. I particularly like the fact that when trying to develop a character the story doesn't suddenly turn into something really erotic (I don't mind it obviously..) but it seems to be a get out and when there are fewer 'sexual' scenes they seem better placed rather than just for the sake of it.
    So yeh, well done and I'm sure the next one will be quite a while off; I don't mind really I have work to do in the meantime and I would rather wait a long period of time and get a good quality piece of writing.
    You also said that you don't want it to be about you, the author, but I can't help but wonder if you are similar to any of your characters... perhaps elements of you in each. Anyway, sorry for the rant and congrats, it was very enjoyable. Until next time, keep up the good work.x

  5. There’s so much that was perfect about this chapter. I savoured every word, silly as it sounds. I was a little worried when you said you were rewriting it that you may have lost your flow. Sorry for doubting (probably projecting my own inadequacies!)

    Well played, sir. Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. Absolutely enjoyed it. I loved those profound moments that you put into your writing. I'm very grateful I came across your writing.

  7. I should state first that I've been truly enjoying this series for two and a half years. But after chapter 16 all I can say is "I don't believe it!" The relationship between Joe and Chris doesn't make sense. Each of them is individually at ease with his sexuality. Each of them knows that the other one is fine with it as well. Neither of them has an ongoing sexual relationship. They spend hours every night in the same bedroom watching upper-middlebrow Hollywood movies. They are strongly attracted to each other. They are both male. The first time they made love was absolutely amazing. And now instead of making love a few times a day they wait three of four months to engage in some furtive guilty sexual encounter? Really? I don't believe it! You can do better than this.

  8. @grrizzly: "Each of them is individually at ease with his sexuality."

    Are we reading the same story? Obviously, both Joe and Chris are maelstroms of angst, guilt, and half-coherent rationalizations regarding their sexuality.

    1. Thanks. I had exactly the same thought as I read grrizzly's comment.

  9. Another fantastic chapter...so well written as usual, I loved it.... well worth the wait..Down Under in Sydney Australia I received the chapter 15 minutes before I had to leave for work in the morning....however I read it on the bus...read it in the Dr's waiting room...then read it as I walked 30 minutes to work. I hoped the passers by weren't too concerned about the tears as I read Joe and Matt's final farewell....and I've reread it numerous times.....I agree with anonymous above....Chris and Joe at ease with their sexuality...not my interpretation...and what is Chris' sexuality?

  10. I'm kind of in love with the characters too. It's amazing that you manage to make me wave my ~imaginary~ pom-poms for Joe to grow up and accept himself, and that also, Matt Cannetti is totally the cheerleader for self actualization at the same time. That you manage so consistently to write Joe as a huge jerk, and yet infinitely relatable is nothing short of brilliant. It's weird, maybe, but Joe's progress kind of makes me want to be a better person too.

    Also, I've put the Divine Comedy near the top half of my reading list, haha.

    Are you published anywhere besides nifty/your blog?

  11. I really liked it! Thanks, after such a long wait I totally rushed through the reading and then had to sit back and re-read, just to make sure I totally 'absorbed' it. It's a bit bittersweet, when you post a chapter, because I know I'm gonna be so happy for a while, but after reading it, and re-reading it, and re-reading it again I'm going to be back where I was before, waiting for more!

    I love this seemingly helpless attraction Chris and Joe seem to have for each other, and I totally get Joe's analyzing and re-analyzing and examining everything. I do hope we get to learn a little more about Chris though, and what he thinks about everyone's view of him, most especially Joe.

    Thanks so much for posting his huge chapter, I can't wait to read more.


  12. Thanks, everybody.

    Grizz -- I was expecting a lot of complaints that Chris didn't have a big presence in this chapter. Somebody mentioned in an e-mail that this was Matt's chapter in the way that Chapter 16 was Chris's chapter. I hadn't thought if that way, but I think it's right. For me, Matt's a great character to write because he's such a proactive guy. He makes things happen. I wanted to give him some attention and flesh out his importance to Joe. But from a Chris/Joe perspective, I get what you're saying.

    Sara -- it's always surprising and awesome to be reminded that I have female readers.

    ren -- Yes, check out the Comedy. The Hollander translations are great. Their notes and commentary are very readable and might be a big help.

    Hopefully the next chapter won't be too long off, but I never really know. This one was difficult because I had to pace it carefully, and I tried very hard to make the more emotional flashpoints credible and consistent with the characters. There was a lot of deleting, rearranging and rewriting. If it were a DVD, there would be several deleted scenes.

  13. JPM,

    You totally have female fan(s), and this female fan wants to know when the next chapter is coming out! Ooooo, look at me, being all tough!

    :) Sara

  14. Not sure yet, Sara. Probably around August 2013.

  15. Oh Dear God, don't even joke!

  16. Yes, just kidding. Might be by the end of the month.
